Saturday 4 September 2021

rust sample code: splitting array of string on comma and space


I'm keeping this code snippet because it isn't going to make it into dust and I think it's impressive.

* Takes an Option<iterable of string> and returns a HashSet of strings that have been
* split by comma and whitespace
fn clean_input<'a, I>(cmd_line_arg: Option<I>) -> HashSet<&'a str>
I: Iterator<Item = &'a str>,
match cmd_line_arg {
Some(aa) => aa
.map(|a| {
.map(|bb| bb.split(','))
.filter(|a| !a.is_empty())
None => HashSet::new(),

Monday 11 May 2020

Tests & Assertions

This makes life easier by highlighting failing string matches in color at the appropriate place:

Tuesday 4 February 2020

Borrowing Self / Dealing with passing &mut self

Thursday 12 December 2019


Hide warnings on build:

* RUSTFLAGS=-Awarnings  cargo build            

Dependency Tree:

* cargo tree

Build cargo with all features:

  • cargo build --all-features   
Specifying it in Cargo.toml:
  • my_lib = { git = "ssh://", features = ["test_utils"], branch = "master" }
Use of versions in dependencies:

time = "0.1.12"
The string "0.1.12" is a semver version requirement. Since this string does not have any operators in it, it is interpreted the same way as if we had specified "^0.1.12", which is called a caret requirement. This will download 0.1.MAX not 0.1.12. If you need to specify the exact version use "=0.1.12"

Cargo lock in .gitignore:

* If you’re building a library that other projects will depend on, put Cargo.lock in your .gitignore. 
* If you’re building an executable like a command-line tool or an application, check Cargo.lock into git.

Friday 1 November 2019

Package collision

The below conflict means you are using a different version of the library to one of your dependencies:

expected enum `THING`, found a different enum `THING`
    = note: expected type `&THING` (enum `THING`)
               found type `&THING` (enum `THING`)
note: Perhaps two different versions of crate `NAME` are being used?

This can be checked with (may need to cargo install cargo-tree)

cargo tree

A quick and dirty fix is for Packages to be overriden in cargo.toml with something like: if you are really are patching otherwise specify the url you are patching

r2d2 = { git = "", branch = "handle-panics-0.8.6" }
to_patch = { git = "ssh://"}

to_patch= { git = "ssh://", }

/\ Note you can't use to_patch and specify a branch. Fork the repo in github or point to a local build.

Or use replace (requires lib name AND version (assumed to be 0.1.0 here):

"to_patch:0.1.0" = { git = "ssh://" branch="fix"}

Alternatively if you need 2 version of a crate:

It is apparently possible to import 2 different crate versions
md5 = "0.6"
other-md5 = { version = "0.8", package = "md-5" }
use md5::compute;
use other_md5::Md5;

Sunday 13 October 2019

Traits in structs.

I am currently aware of 2 ways to handle the fact you can't put a trait in a struct. (Reason: Traits don't have size at compile time)

1) Box the trait
2) Use an enum instead of a trait (enums have a size at compile time).

If you box the trait, you may end up needing to clone it. Cloning a boxed object is possible here is how to do it:

Cut and Paste of the relevant code here:

trait Foo {
    fn box_clone(&self) -> Box<Foo>;

impl Clone for Box<Foo>
    fn clone(&self) -> Box<Foo> {

struct Bar;

impl Foo for Bar {
    fn box_clone(&self) -> Box<Foo> {

fn it_works() {
    let baz = Box::new(Bar) as Box<Foo>;
    let qux = baz.clone();

If using Box across Threads (eg Rayon) you must implement Send & Sync